Friday, 26 March 2010


Im selling this photo to Emerica Shoes for their spring 2011 catalogue. Its quite funny because its a shit photo and I took it 2 years ago or something. Super stoked about it some pounds will be in my bank, Im going to spend it all on Commish, bless.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Been a while coming some from the glory days of last week, the sun seemed endless to us then. In short, photos form when it was sunny and people didn't have skins facebook shit everyday. I hate that program and I hate you for even reading this. The photos are shit to be honest and some are sideways, tilt your head if you want to look at them thicko, but if you think they are shit your shit. No thrills here, you may as well not look at them. Why write something which no one ever reads? Because you'll never know who wants a cheap thrill of laughing at my ballistic talent at the English language. Thats why bellend.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Wednesday, 10 March 2010


Cats are making me LOL at the moment, pretty sad I know. There was one cheeky bugger that always seems to be in my garden even though it doesn't live here. I don't think it likes me anymore as I went out a shoved a camera in its face. Stupid fucking cat.

Monday, 8 March 2010


Today, I know some of them are sideways but just tilt your computer. New film ones coming when I can be bothered to scan them in.

Sunday, 7 March 2010


I know no one reads this but Google wouldn't let me log out and log into my blogger account. These are recent ones that I have taken on  trips to take photos into the city. All on digital because its dark early still, film ones coming soon that will be better than your life.